Repair or replace? Choosing the right garage door

If your garage door suddenly makes strange noises – grinding, squeaking, or banging – it’s a telltale sign that something is amiss. These sounds often point to problems with the rollers, springs, or other moving parts that need lubricating or adjustment. A garage door opening and closing sluggishly or unevenly is another red flag. This stems from issues with the opener, the springs, or the pulleys and cables that facilitate smooth operation. If your garage door opener is on the fritz – failing to respond to the remote, opening and closing intermittently, or not working at all – the problem may lie with the opener itself, the sensors, or the wiring.

Garage door replacement

There are times when there are better solutions than repairing your garage door. If the issues are more extensive or the door is nearing the end of its lifespan, replacing it may be the wiser investment. Here are some critical signs that replacement is the way to go:

  1. Age of the door – Most garage doors have a lifespan of 15-30 years, depending on the quality of the materials and how well they’ve been maintained. If your door is on the older end of that spectrum, it may be time to start fresh with a newer model.
  2. Frequent and costly repairs – If you call for garage door repairs multiple times a year, those costs quickly add up. At a certain point, it makes more financial sense to invest in a replacement rather than pouring money into an ageing system.
  3. Increased energy bills – Older, less efficient garage doors allow more air leaks, increasing heating and cooling costs. Upgrading to a newer, more insulated model can improve your home’s energy efficiency and save you money in the long run.
  4. Desire for updated style – Your garage door doesn’t align with your home’s current aesthetic. Replacing it allows you to boost your curb appeal with a door that complements your property’s style.

Cost factors of garage door replacement

The decision to replace your garage door isn’t just about the pros and cons – it also comes down to the cost. Here’s a quick overview of the factors that influence how much a new garage door will set you back:

  • Door material – Steel, wood, and composite doors have different price points, with steel being the most affordable and wood the most expensive.
  • Door size – Larger, custom-sized doors cost more than standard sizes.
  • Insulation – Insulated doors provide better energy efficiency but come at a higher price point.
  • Installation – Professional installation typically costs $200 to $500, depending on the job’s complexity.

If the repairs are relatively minor and inexpensive, and your door still has several years of life left, a repair is the way to go. But if the issues are more extensive, the door is nearing the end of its lifespan, or you’re craving a style upgrade, replacement may be the better investment. For Garage Door Repair visit